Laura Weiss - The Journey to Healthy Grieving

Every family has its story, and our guest, Laura Weiss, is here to share hers with us. Laura's journey begins with the loss of her brother, Ben, a vibrant individual who was much more to her than just a sibling. Laura opens up about Ben’s struggle with Alpha 1 Antitrypsin Deficiency, his addictions, and his life as part of the LGBTQ+ community in a small town. We explore Laura’s undulating journey of grief and trauma, her handling of challenging family dynamics, and her experience of setting healthy boundaries while modeling resilience for her children.Discover how she navigated these challenges, never shying away from the reality of her experience, but rather embracing the power of acceptance, forgiveness, and personal growth.

In the final segment, Laura brings to light the importance of educating oneself about rare medical conditions like Alpha One. She speaks fondly of how she continues to honor Ben's memory and the unique ways she connects with his spirit. Laura’s journey, filled with love and loss, serves as an inspiring testament to the resilience of the human spirit. Let's learn, connect, and grow as we join Laura in recounting her grief journey.

In this episode we are covering:

(0:00:06) - Sibling Grief and Shared Memories

(0:07:15) - Grief and Trauma in the Journey

(0:15:50) - Surviving Siblings and Medical Challenges Guide

(0:28:48) - Family Intervention and Losing a Loved One

(0:39:51) - Grieving and Educating About Alpha One

(0:47:22) - Importance of Therapy in Grief Journey

(0:56:42) - Family Dynamics and Setting Boundaries

This Episode is sponsored by The Surviving Siblings Guide. ✨Get The Surviving Siblings Guide HERE.

For full episode show notes and transcript, click here

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